SURFSeq 5000* sequencing platform is a bench top high-throughput genetic sequencer with multiple application scenarios, fast sequencing speed, good data quality and low startup cost. Its versatile function can meet the performance requirements of users in whole genome sequencing, targeted sequencing, transcriptome sequencing, metagenomic sequencing, methylation sequencing and other technical fields. SURFSeq 5000* sequencing platform can fully assist end-users no matter in scientific discovery research or production delivery.
*Unless otherwise informed, GeneMind sequencing platform and related sequencing reagents are not available in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Western Europe, Southern Europe and Nordic countries yet.
FASTASeq 300* sequencing platform is a desktop sequencer that focuses on targeted sequencing and whole-genome low-depth sequencing. Its innovative breakthroughs in sequencing chemistry, high-density flowcell, fluid design and base identification algorithms bring users more flexibility, more consistent data quality and faster delivery of high-quality data.
*Unless otherwise informed, GeneMind sequencing platform and related sequencing reagents are not available in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Western Europe, Southern Europe and Nordic countries yet.

The high-throughput sequencing system GenoLab M* adopts the surface restricted fluorescence sequencing technique (SURFseq) based on surface amplification to identify the optical signals of bases. This sequencing platform’s sequencing-by-synthesis approach delivers speed, flexibility, high accuracy, and low-cost.
*Unless otherwise informed, GeneMind sequencing platform and related sequencing reagents are not available in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Western Europe, Southern Europe and Nordic countries yet.
MrLH-96 automated sample preparation system is designed for the efficient automation of high-throughput sequencing library construction and laboratory liquid processing procedure. The specially designed consumable stacking system is able to guarantee full automation with no manpower on site. The Inheco temperature-controlled oscillation accessories imported from Germany not only ensure the stability of the oscillation but also have the accuracy of temperature control within the range of 4~70°C, which perfectly matches the NGS hybridization capture process. The script design system can be used to explore multiple applications and customize the workflow design.